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Spring Publications Ltd.

01-002 犁痕 Furrow

01-002 犁痕 Furrow

定價 $7.00 USD
定價 售價 $7.00 USD
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Like The WayFurrow is the fruit of St Josemaría’s rich interior life and extensive experience as a pastor. Aphoristic and perfect for meditation, Furrow was written in order to encourage and ease personal prayer. These 1000 points for spiritual eflection are directed toward the whole human person: body and soul, nature and grace. With he skillful hand of an experienced and holy priest, St Josemaría interweaves the divine and human and helps you see how to bring them into harmony in your own life.

正如道路,這本書是針對整個基督徒這個人 ── 他的肉體及靈魂,他的本性及聖寵 ── 不僅是為著他的思維而寫的。字字句句所顯示的是:基督徒的生活,隨著基督徒的步調,聖性及人性互交織,前後呼應,有修不紊,結合完美,叫人心嚮神往。



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